Jan 27, 2014

            So, let me guess, you have recently become quite aware, (and in our case, almost obsessed),  with your post Christmas/ New Years weight gain.  You know,  those ghastly unwanted pounds that seems to have magically accumulated around your waistline since the holidays?   The same ones you are detemined to be rid off before summer's arrival?   Well fret no more we have the answer.   Former beauty queen and current Smile Jamaica host,  Yendi Phillips, has just released her first of what we are sure will be a series of workout videos called,  "In The Dance".   

        The new Mother and fitness fanatic decided to create her own video after having difficulty finding a fun, interesting, calorie burning routine to help shed some of those post partum pounds.  Evidently, it worked wonders as Yendi was back to her slim, sexy, pre-baby figure in no time.   We have already purchased our copy and if you would also like a copy you may do so at any Walmart in Canada, or check www.InTheDanceFitness.com  for additional locations.    

       For those you anxious for a sneek peek of the video, you can take a look here: