Dec 9, 2013

Naomi Campbell: "Devastated" at the loss of Nelson Mandela

      Mega Model Naomi Campbell has been expressing just how grief stricken she has been at the loss of her beloved 'Granddad',  Nelson Mandela.  The modeling mogul became one of Mr. Mandela's honorary 'Granddaughters after forming a close friendship with the South African civil rights icon back in the early 1990's.  

      Naomi posted this moving tribute on her Facebook page: "Nelson Mandela has stood as a figure of strength, hope, freedom, selflessness and love, and I join everyone across the world in mourning his passing. However, he was much more than just a figurehead to me - he was my mentor, my honorary grandfather, my Tata. Since meeting him in 1993, he's guided me and gave me a reason for being in the tough times of my life. He changed my perception of the world.
"It will take time to come to terms with his absence, but I know his energy and impact will forever be in the core of my spirit.
"My heart goes out to the entire Mandela family - Mama Graca, Mama Winnie, Zindzi, Malengani, Josina and the rest of the family."