Oct 10, 2013


       Bundle of cuteness, Israel Naomi, the daughter of Miss Jamaica 2010,  Yendi Phillips, and soul-mate, Daniel 'Chino McGreggor, a music producer and son of legendary Reggae artist Freddie McGreggor, recently celebrated her first birthday.  As every fashionista, budding and established, knows that there is no better way to celebrate a birthday than with a fabulous photo shoot as evident below.


via: yendizzle instagram
    The proud parents celebrated with just an intimate gathering of close friends and family and baby Israel was observed in full participation and having a great time.


    The baby beauty, like her mother, already has her fair share of admirers as she received a cute birthday smooch from a pal in attendance.  

via: yendizzle instagram

      For desert, guest sampled a bit of Israel's sumptuously decorated two tiered, red velvet and coconut butter cream cake, specially commissioned by Yendi from confection connoisseur, Joann Chin, at Sweet Creations 2 in Kingston, Jamaica.


    A fun time was had by all, especially baby Israel Naomi.   Happy Birthday Sweetie!